Corvair Aircraft Engine – More core prep, DIY engine dolly, and workshop upgrades

Using the same hot water and Purple Power process I soaked and pressure washed the cylinders, rods, and pistons in prep for core ship to Clark’s Corvair. Because these parts were made of steel and rust was an issue they required a bit more prep. After washing I immediately put them in front of the shop heater to dry:

Cooking of the water with shop heater
150K BTU per Hour dried things quite well 🙂

After drying I sprayed everything down with 2-26 lube and wrapped the cylinders with grocery bags. Cores all ready to ship to Clark’s:

Pistons, rods, and cylinders ready for core

As I impatiently await the arrival of parts, the shop continues to improve:

Pegboard and workbench in progress

Finally I needed to make it easy to move my engine around. I used the base off of an old office chair to make an engine dolly. I just screwed some 2×4’s to the base. Works great:

Old office chair converted to engine dolly
Short block prepped and wrapped for core

That’s all for today. Initial goodies from Aircraft Spruce are on the way so stay tuned!!!

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